Oscar Vargas

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Executive Summary

Specialist in profitability analysis with extensive experience in the banking sector. He has participated in economic analysis of Panama, macroeconomic and competitive projections of the banking system for budget and capital gains, scenarios for stress test exercises (risk area and Banking Superintendence of Panama).

Leader of teams and annual and multi-year budget activities.

Has implemented regulatory business intelligence projects that allowed aligning the company's values (security) and strategy with the optimal use of digital resources.



  • Real Estate as an Asset and Business, Mergers and Acquisitions, Columbia Business School, New York, USA
  • MBA Master Business Administration Founders Scholarship, Concentration: Economics Finance & Sustainable Development, INCAE Business School, San José, Costa Rica
  • Global Ambassador Scholarship MPP/ED Master in Public Policy, Concentration: Economic Development, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Seoul, South Korea
  • B.A. in Economics, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas UCA. San Salvador, El Salvador